Dawn Scott: How can it be almost 12 years that someone has kept you from us ?! 💔💔😡😡Please , help us find Maddy 🙏💚🙏💚🙏💚

Facebook Group Comments:

M. W.
Unending painful, I pray she will be found, wherever she is

R T.-Z.

Always following….always hoping

B. J.
Sending lots of prayers. Thinking of all of you❤️

T. H.
Dawn Scott my heart hurts always when you post and just don’t have answers. Sending loving mother hugs.

A. F.
Every year after the ride, I pray that the next one is in celebration of finding her. That the unknowing has ended, questions are answered, and Maddy is home. So here is to this being the last year and next year it is The Ride That Brought Maddy Home.

C. Y.
I don’t know the answers. All I know is Maddy was at a campsite and now she is gone. Prayers and best regards always. Love you Maddy, please God send her home.

L. T.
Dawn Scott
My heart aches for you…
and all your family. But being Mom is a special kind of hurt and I wish I could take your heartache away and someone speak up to Bring Maddy HOME TO YOU!!!
X O ❤️


Help Find Maddy Poker Ride at Hogsback Lake area / Mapes hall is back on Saturday May 28th 2022. Call 250-567-0923 if you require more information.

  • 1st prize $500
  • 2nd prize $300
  • 3rd prize $200
  • $25 per hand, fore each $25 hand purchased you may purchase 1 additional hand for $10 while available

Ride or walk the trails with our family and friends. Lets keep the awareness and search for Madison Scott going.

Horseback 10 AM to 12 PM Start at Jody & Jewel Volts. 10982 Goodland Road

ATV 11 AM to 1 PM. Start at Dillion & Ashley Penner’s. 19715 Blackwater Rd

Walking 12 PM to 2 PM. Start at Mapes Hall. 17802 Blackwater Rd. Mapes hall Map.

Click on poster thumb nail to down load poster

No Poker ride this year, but we are still all in for Maddy!

My niece Madison Scott has been missing for 10 years 21 days (3674 days!) from Hogsback lake near Vanderhoof. We miss her so much! I just got into skateboarding and was having a blast learning how to long-board near my house for an hour. I couldn’t stop thinking about Maddy as she is like me in that she loves sports and learning new things. She is such a fun loving young women. When I finished skateboarding I went and found my Missing Madison Scott posters and put one on my long board, and cut up another for my helmet. I have stickers on my bike and when I used to play hockey my hockey stick shaft was covered with pieces of the missing posters. We must keep spreading the word! Since she has been missing my Facebook cover photo and image are about Maddy and that she is missing. I challenge all of you to do similar things to keep the word out there that Maddy is missing and we need her home! I have found people even in Prince George who didn’t know she was missing. Lets be all in for Maddy! If you are looking for posters, pens etc, you can personal message Dawn Scott on the Facebook group, or send us a note from the contact us page.

A big thanks to all of you who have kept spreading the word over all these years, and helping Maddy’s family in thier quest to bring Maddy home.

Keep spreading the word that Madison Scott is missing. Picture of skate board and helmet with Madison Scott missing stickers.

Keep spreading the word!

All in for Maddy. Maddy's uncle holding skateboard and wearing helmet, both with Madison Scott Missing stickers.

All in for Maddy.

I don’t look happy as I am not! Not happy when I am thinking about Madison Scott who has missing for ten years!

We Miss you Maddy! (10 years to many)

Madison Scott has been missing for 10 long years. Thanks to all the numerous people who have done so much in the initial years of searching, fund raising and raising awareness, and to the many more who have been helping to spread the word in our effort to bring Madison Scott home over these many years. We will continue looking, spreading the word, in our quest to find Madison Scott.

There is a new missing for 10 years poster.

Recent media about the missing Madison Scott

Every time I see sunflower of any type I think of Maddy. Firstly as she liked sunflowers and secondly like a sunflower, she stands tall in the world and she is so bright and joyful! We miss you Maddy, We need you back!

We need your help to find Madison Scott

Original article from the RCMP

It has been ten years since Madison disappeared and the RCMP and Scott family are again asking for the public’s help in solving her disappearance.

On May 29, 2011, a family member reported Madison Scott missing to the Vanderhoof RCMP. Madison was last seen at approximately 3 a.m. on May 28, 2011, while at Hogsback Lake, celebrating a friend’s birthday. Early in the investigation, police determined that it was out of character for Madison not to be in contact with her family and/or friends.

Madison was a vibrant, free-spirited, loyal and kind individual. When not hard at work at her parents’ family business, Madison immersed herself in family/friends, hockey, softball and photography. This year, Madison would be 30-years-old. She would be starting her career and perhaps even gotten married with the hopes of having children. Madison’s family have missed out on watching her become a wife, mother and aunt. Madison and her family deserve justice and closure.

We really appreciate the help we have received from the police during these tough years. As the investigation is ongoing we thank the RCMP for their efforts, states the Scott family.

Should you have any information regarding the disappearance of Madison Scott, please call the Vanderhoof RCMP at 250-567-2222, or, if you wish to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or leave a message on their website at solvecrime.ca.

The Scott family continues to offer a $100,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest and laying of charge(s) of individual(s) responsible for Madison’s disappearance.

About Help Find Madison Scott

On May 28th 2011 Madison Scott went missing from Hogs back lake near Vanderhoof British Columbia, Canada. She has not been seen since.

  • Age Then: 20
  • Current Age: 32
  • Race: White (Medium complexion)
  • Sex: Female
  • Hair: Ginger / Auburn
  • Eyes: Hazel
  • Weight: 160 lbs
  • Height: 5’4″
  • Tattoos: Bird silhouette tattoo on the inside of left wrist
  • Other: Maddy’s ears and nostril are pierced.

This site was set up by the Scott family to spread the word on helping to find Madison Scott, and to provide a central location for information

Feel free to use the contact us page to send us information, or ideas to help find Madison Scott. Let everyone know about madisonscott.ca or findmaddy.ca, and the Facebook group.

The Time line page explains the events that happened when Madison went missing.

Quick links:

Madison tatoo inside left wrist

Mounties renew call for information on missing northern B.C. woman Madison Scott

Madison Scott went missing nine years ago near Vanderhoof May 28, 2020 9:32 AM

By: Jess Balzer The Prince George Citizen

BC RCMP is once again issuing a plea for anyone with information on the missing Madison Scott to come forward, nine years after her disappearance.

On May 27, 2011, Scott went to a party at Hogsback Lake, which is roughly 25 km south of Vanderhoof, and a Forest Sevice Campsite.

Police say she drove her white 1990 Ford F150 pick-up truck, pitched her tent and was camping with a group of friends, also from Vanderhoof.

The next day (May 28, 2011) at approximately 4 a.m., everyone left except Scott. She was on her own in her tent and has not been seen since then.

“We continue to follow up on and investigate all tips that are received regarding Maddy,” Sgt. Matt MacLeod with the North District Major Crime Unit says in a release.

“We believe that something criminal may have occurred between 4 and 8:30 a.m. on May 28, that led to her disappearance, we do not believe she simply walked away. We know someone out there has information that can help us find Maddy or identify the person(s) responsible.”

Cpl. Madonna Saunderson says the file remains a priority and is open and active.

Police are still interested in receiving information, no matter how small or information that may seem insignificant, something Madison Scott’s parents are also pleading to the public to do.

“These are not easy times – our daughter is still missing and we need your help,” Daen and Eldon Scott said in a release issued through police.

“We have learned a lot through this process, but one thing that has become apparent is that information is what drives an investigation. There is no excuse not to call the police with what you know. There is no way to rationalize talking about this case with others and not the police. If you want to know how you can help us, call the Vanderhoof RCMP or Crime Stoppers if you wish to remain anonymous, with any information that you may have because we need to find Maddy.”

“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we have had to cancel The All In For Maddy 9th Poker-Ride for this year however, if needed, it will be hosted again next year.”

If you have any information that can help investigators, you are asked to call Vanderhoof RCMP at 250-567-2222 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477

Maddy Poker Ride 2019 (8 long years)

Eight very long years of searching, anguishing, wondering, hoping, spreading the news…

We want Maddy to come home!  

Show your support and help keep the awareness campaign to help find Madison Scott going. On May 25th come out to the 2019 Maddy Poker Ride starting at or near the Mapes Community hall on the Black water road South East of Vanderhoof, near Hogsback lake where Maddy went missing.

Walk, ATV or horse ride on 3 different trails. The cost of the poker hands are 25$.  With every 25$ hand purchased you may purchase an additional hand for 10$ while available. Draw cards at the stations along the trails for a chance to win with the best poker hands, $500 for 1st, $300 for 2nd, and $200 for 3rd, and the mystery grand prize. Sponsored by the Vanderhoof Kinettes.

The walking trail starts from the Mapes Community hall, 17802 Blackwater road then heads East on a trail adjacent to the Blackwater road, down the hogs back road then winds through the forest to Hogsback lake then up on a grassy ridge, along a natural meadow, then back to Mapes Hall. If the complete trail is walked it is around 8 kilometres.

The ATV trail starts at Dillan and Ashlee Penner’s 19715 Blackwater Road. The ATV route heads down the Fox forest service road then heads back on the telegraph trail, by Hogsback lake. The trail is of moderate difficulty and is around 40 kilometres

The horse trail starts from Jody and Jewel Volts, 10982 Goodland Road, then passes through Mapes pit up into the Sinkut hills and back. The trail is approximately 22 kilometres long.

Directions to Horse start: turn off of highway 16 onto Mapes road, there will be signs on highway, and then stay on Mapes road for 9.9 kms until you get to Goodland road on the left, Jody and jewels is at the end of Goodland road, there will be signs and people directing traffic.


Click on poster to download PDF

Maddy Poster 11 x 17

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