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Efforts Continue To Locate Madison Scott (from Opinion 250 News)

By 250 News

Saturday, June 18, 2011 05:00 AM

Search efforts will resume later this morning in the ongoing effort to find Madison Scott… The 20-year-old Vanderhoof woman has not been seen since May 28th when she attended a party at Hogsback Lake, intending to camp there for the night


Last weekend, volunteers were canvassing the Blackwater, Sinkut Mountain and Bobtail Road systems – they travelled by vehicle, atvs, and did walking grid searches along the roads and trails. Another helicopter search was conducted yesterday and the chopper will be back in the air again today.

Anyone who would like to volunteer to help out with the search effort can phone Dawn in Vanderhoof at 250-567-4159.

Earlier this month, her parents issued a public plea for information about Madison’s whereabouts.

The Scott Family has now set up a Help Find Madison Scott website to spread the word about the young woman’s disappearance. In addition, a fundraising garage sale is being held in Prince George today at the Regional District of Fraser Fort George office, where Madison’s uncle works. The sale runs from 8:30am this morning to 3pm, with money raised going into the Help Find Madison Scott Search Fund.

Search update from last week to June 17th.

A large number of volunteers searched last weekend on roads, trails and private property

. While a fair number of volunteer searchers, family and friends had to go back to work this week, there was still searching each day by a smaller number of friends and family. Some searching farther a field was also done. Last weekend the search and rescue team with some local volunteers, canoed the Sinkut River and found nothing.The helicopter flew on Friday.

Garage Sale Fund Raiser Prince George Saturday June 18th

The Regional District of Fraser Fort George is having a garage sale to raise funds for the Help Find Madison Scott Search Fund on Saturday June the 18th

. The hours are 8:00 am to 3 pm. Location is at the Regional District of Fraser Fort George front parking lot which is located at 155 George Street in Prince George. This is downtown just off of 1st avenue on the West side of George street. Google Map. If you would like to donate items please contact Susan at 250-562-6808 or 250-960-4464.

S. A. > Lots of people searching today…

Just keep praying. It was awesome today, we where searching on quads at the base of Sinkut Mountain, we encountered groups in trucks talking to landowners,groups walking and searching brush piles, quading and lots on horseback, Lets keep it up and help bring Maddy home!!

Saturday June 11 summary

More of the same with the volunteer search continuing on: 4 wheelers searching roads and trails, in the Blackwater, Sinkut Mountain & Bobtail road systems

. More walking grid searches along roads and trails.

Friday June 10th Search Summary

I wasn’t in Vanderhoof and haven’t talked to my family so this update will have to wait till tomorrow.

Plea Generates New Tips (from Opinion 250 News)

By 250 News

Friday, June 10, 2011 04:20 AM

Vanderhoof, B.C. – An emotional plea from the parents of Madison Scott is being credited with generating some new  tips to police.

“We have received about  two dozen new tips since the news conference on Tuesday ” says RCMP Sergeant Bob Vermuelen of E Division Communications

. “Investigators are now focusing on tracking down the information .”

Sgt. Vermuelen says when  the 20 year old Vanderhoof woman disappeared,  investigators had  about 100 pieces of information to verify.  The plea for more information  was made by Madison’s parents at a  news conference in Vanderhoof  this week.  ( see previous story)

Madison’s mother, Dawn,  read a statement which  urged people to  come forward with information and to go straight to the police “Any information needs to go directly to police as they are in the best position to ask the right questions and use that information to help find Maddy.”

Madison was last seen  early  Saturday May 28th at Hogsback Lake  near Vanderhoof.  She had gone  there to party with some friends.  Her phone was last used Saturday morning, and while  she  is missing, her truck and two tone tent were located at Hogsback Lake.

An extensive search of the area  and a day long search of the lake by the RCMP  underwater team, failed to find any trace of her.

RCMP have 14 investigators  working on this case.

Thursday June 9th Search Summary

Walking grid search along trails below starting from Mapes pit

. More ATVing on trails and roads. Looking for other areas we should search.

Wednesday June 8th Search Summary

I only talked to a few people so I don’t know all that happened. Walking grid search along highway turned up a couple items which were turned over to the RCMP, but we do not know if they are related to the case. More ATVing on trails and roads, and looking for more ATV trails in the Blackwater area

. Members of Nadleh Whut’en band have been at the Hogsback campsite most everyday holding a vigil, and helping with searches, and bringing out coffee and snacks.

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