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Madison Scott’s Mother Pleading for the Public’s Help in Finding her Daughter (from 94X and The Wolf News)

Vanderhoof, B.C.- “We love our daughter, we need her back home, we need to find her, please help us.”–That statement from the Mother of missing 20 year old Madison Scott today as she spoke with local media


Here is Dawn Scott’s statement:

Thank-you for coming.
My name is Dawn Scott and this is my husband Eldon we are the parents of Madison Scott. We wanted to come forward today because it is very important for us to speak to you and the public and let you know how important it is for anyone – with any information involving the disappearance of our daughter – to come forward and speak to police.
It has been 10 days since we made that difficult call to police when we realized that Maddy was missing. To understand how difficult that call was and what has happened since, you have to understand who Maddy is.
She is a beautiful caring and loving daughter, sister and friend. She is a passionate 20 year old young woman who loves sports and photography. She has a great sense of humour and she loves to socialize with family and friends.
Maddy made plans to attend a party out at Hogsback Lake on Friday May 27th and let us know that she was heading out and that she would be returning. The fact that she did not return or reach out to us or her friends is completely out of character. And when she didn’t come home we called police and the search began.
We are thankful for the police and Search and Rescue personnel who used every tool and resource available to conduct a thorough search of the area. And then there are the dozens even hundreds of volunteers who continue to return to Hogsback Lake daily to look through the area and surrounding areas. It is hard to believe all that they done and continue to do.
We have been overwhelmed by the level of support and assistance from the community in our effort to find our daughter.
We want to say thank-you to our family, friends and the community of Vanderhoof and our neighbouring communities who continue to be a daily source of inspiration and strength. We are a private family, and we never thought we would be put into such a public position. It is extremely hard for us all and we will do whatever it takes to find Maddy.
That is why we are asking for anyone with any information to please call police. There have been many instances where information comes to us second or third hand and we are left trying to capture that information and get it to police. Any information needs to go directly to police as they are in the best position to ask the right questions and use that information to help find Maddy.
So please, it doesn’t matter how small or insignificant it might seem, call the RCMP and let them know what you know, heard or saw or think you might have seen.
We also thank the public and the media for respecting our privacy, while we focus on working with the police and many volunteers looking for Maddy. We ask that you once again continue to respect our privacy as we deal with this difficult time.
We love our daughter, we need her back home, we need to find her. Please help us. Thank-you.
Madison has been missing since May 28th.
There are currently 14 Investigators in Vanderhoof following up of 300 to 400 tasks that have been generated by this file.Anyone with information is asked to call Vanderhoof Police.2:00pm | By: 94X and The Wolf News

Tuesday June 7th Summary

More private land searches, foot grid searches off of hiway 16, more trail searches on 4 wheelers around Sinkut, foot searches on trails in and around Hogsback lake and another gravel pit was searched

. An estimated 25 people out searching; an impressive showing for workday on week 2 of the search.  Dawn  and Eldon did an excellent job speaking with the media holding up to a very emotional task, click for article.

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10 Days Since Vanderhoof Woman Disappeared (from Opinion 250 News)

By 250 News

Tuesday, June 07, 2011 03:58 AM
Prince George, B.C.- While friends and family of Madison Scott continue their search for the missing 20 year old from Vanderhoof, the RCMP are continuing their investigation “We have had numerous tips” says Sgt Rob Vermeulen of E Division headquarters.
Madison was last seen early Saturday May 28th at  Hogsback Lake about 25 kms out of Vanderhoof.
Last Friday, the RCMP Underwater team spent nearly 9 hours searching the lake near the campsite where Madison’s tent and truck were located. They failed to turn up anything.
“It  is a mystery” says Sgt Vermeullen, “We are looking at all possibilities (in how she disappeared) we haven’t ruled anything out.”

. Vermeulen says the investigators are in constant contact with the Scott family, “The bottom line for everyone is the same, we want to find her.”

He says the RCMP may be able to release an update on the investigation in the next day or so.
In the meantime, investigators are hoping anyone who has any information , no matter how small that piece of information may be, will contact them  at 250-567-2222

Monday June 6th, Search Summary

More of the same for the volunteer search crew, more 4 wheeling around the trails and road to the West of Hogsback lake, some small grid searches along the highway near Blackwater road and on private property North of Hogsback and other areas, and other searches around various rivers and falls.  Landowners are continuing being asked to search their property

. There was a fair bit of activity by the RCMP at the Hogsback campsite and the surrounding area, and we are hopeful they are making headway in the investigation.

Sunday June 5th Search Summary

More roads in the area were searched by volunteers in vehicles and 4 wheelers looking for tracks down side roads and trails. The road search has covered roads from Fraser lake, to Ft Saint James, Vanderhoof and East of Cluculz Lake

. More trails and bush were walked in the Hogsback and immediate area. Residences were canvassed and asked if they could check their out buildings and or were searched by volunteers. The RCMP had a dog at the Hogsback campsite for about a half an hour. A helicopter was doing more air searches and worked with vehicles on the ground to check out certain area’s.

Saturday June 4th search summary

The volunteer search continues. More mini trail grid searches on trails and bush around Hogsback Lake. More cabins, and gravel pits are located and searched

. The road and trail  searches by 4 wheelers and vehicles continues near and far. The upper portion of Sinkut river is searched by boat. The private helicopter search continues. The RCMP were seen driving in the Mapes Blackwater area as they continue their extensive investigation of this case. A dive team searched in the water at Hogsback lake, but the cell phone and tee-shirt recovered were not Madison’s.

K. K. > search Blackwater road and instructions…

Copied from the Help Find Madison Scott Facebook Group

We are asking for as many people as possible to search the Blackwater Road from the Highway 16 Intersection to the Bobtail Intersection with an emphasis on the ditches, side roads, and pits. WE ARE PROVIDING NO ORGANIZATION AND ASSUME NO REPONSIBILTY. PLEASE TAKE IT UPON YOURSELVES TO ACT RESPONSIBLY AND TO SEARCH SAFELY & EFFICIENTLY. PLEASE DO NOT SEARCH THE MAPES HALL AREA. If you find something that may be evidence please follow these steps:


Divers plunge into Madison Scott mystery (Prince George Citizen)

maddy large head shot reddish tinge

An RCMP dive team was scanning the water of Hogsback Lake, Friday, with eyes open for Madison Scott, a missing young woman.

She was last seen at the popular recreation spot south of Vanderhoof at about 3 a.m. May 29 at a party. She, like many from the general area, was camping at the lake for the weekend. She was reported missing by family when she did not return Sunday afternoon as expected.

“We had the dive team out on the lake [Friday], using sonar. They will be out on the water for eight to nine hours,” said provincial RCMP spokesman Sgt. Rob Vermeulen.

“We will be using a diver to check the water around the campsite. That is not based on any information, it is standard search procedure when we have a mystery like this. When you don’t have a particular lead, you have to work at ruling things out. We had the ground and surface water search, including from the air, and now we are checking in the water around the camping area.”

Police are following up on several tips, but no strong lead. A rumour about her cell phone being used at 7 a.m. the day she disappeared was baseless, said Vermeulen, but “there are all kinds of rumours and we have to follow up on everything we hear.”

“I know the family is still searching the area, with the help of friends and supporters,” said Vermeulen

. “They are keeping in very close contact with our investigators, yes.”

A fund has been set up at all branches of Integris Credit Union to gather donations for a more exhaustive private search.

“It is healthy,” said Integris spokesman Dan Wingham of the sentiments brought forward by the public.

There are branches of Integris in Prince George, Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, Quesnel and Clinton.

© Copyright 2016 Prince George Citizen

Frank Peebles | Staff writer
June 4, 2011 01:00 AM