Help Find Madison Scott Benefit Auction and Dance

The help find Madison Scott Benefit Auction and Dance is set for Oct 8th at the Friendship Hall in Vanderhoof

. Tickets can be bought for $20 each at Scott Foods or Wallace Studios in Vanderhoof. Or tables for 8 can be purchased through Julie (contact information below). Watch for the advertisement on the radio and in the newspaper and other public places.

If anyone wants more information, or to provide items for the auction you can contact Julie at Facebook, cell 250-570-1618, home 250-567-5026, work 250-567-5312.

Reward increased as investigation into the disappearance of Madison Scott reaches 3 month anniversary

RCMP File # 2011-1508 / ND MCU 2011-4852   2011-09-01 10:21 PDT
The investigation continues into the search for Madison Scott, the 20 year old Vanderhoof woman, who was last seen on Saturday May 28th at Hogsback Lake.

“This investigation remains a priority for North District Major Crime,” says Sgt. Rob Vermeulen spokesperson for the RCMP. “And while investigators appreciate the level of community interest in Madison’s disappearance, they still believe that there is information out there or those that have not come forward yet”.

“The search for Madison Scott has been both hopeful and emotionally disappointing,” says Vanderhoof Mayor Gerry Thiessen. “Everywhere in town, on cars or business windows, there are posters looking for Madison. I get calls from residents on summer vacation hoping that there is something new to report, something that will help us find her. Now it’s time for both Madison and the Scott family, that those with information come forward and talk to the RCMP.”

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Heather F. > Rosewood’s Diary and The Rusty Bucket Pluckers CD release fund raiser a success

Over $1400.00 was raised this afternoon for Madison’s Search Fund during the CD release and concert by Rosewood’s Diary and The Rusty Bucket Pluckers. It was a fantastic afternoon of music and the folks who came were generous with their donations

. Thank you!!

Shirley A. Three months today, praying and hoping for Maddy to return SOON….Love and Hugs to the family

Sandra-Wayne K.

The right things need to happen and be said to bring Maddy home to us

. What is the hold up on this?? Please, whoever you are, give us the key piece of information that reunites our family and gives her back to her parents and siblings. Do it anonymously, JUST DO IT.
11 hours ago

Search for local woman continues

By Hannah Wright – Vanderhoof Omineca Express
Published: August 03, 2011 8:00 AM
Updated: August 03, 2011 8:56 AM

It’s been over two months since the disappearance of local woman Madison Scott and still family and friends continue to conduct an extensive search for the 20-year-old.

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Love of Life, poem by Shirley A.

Maddy,brightens the room, by just coming in
With some good-natured fun,and a mischievous grin
She’s a joker and clown,she turns pranks into art
But she doesn’t mean harm,since she has a good heart.
Her great passion for life,takes her to the outdoors
Maddy truly likes sports,in the snow,fields and shores
While she’s biking through trails,when she’s boarding down hills
When she’s playing hockey with friends,from all sports she finds thrills
Maddy loves taking pictures
And would survey the land
She’d gallop off on her horse
Camera in hand.
And she works hard all day, with mechanical skills
Maddy puts in time,to earn pay for her bills
As a hired apprentice, in her Dad’s big old shop
She would work hard til she dropped.
And Maddy loves music, and radio’s tunes
She enjoys funky songs and all hip hop tunes
Plus, she liked rock bands,with their potent guitar
She thinks music should be;found wherever you are
She’s especially known,to be there as a friend
If you’re stuck in a jam,then her time she will lend
She’s known for her laughter,for her rescue we yearn
We pray she is safe: always hope she’ll return..

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by Sandra-Wayne K. on Saturday, July 23, 2011 at 9:53am

*Madison Scott, our niece, disappeared from a campsite near Vanderhoof 2 months ago. She is still missing.

We need to find her and bring her home. Please help.

Sunday, July 24 · 8:00pm11:00pm


For Help Find Madison Scott
 Why   To collectively send our love to Maddy, full-throttle,to help bring her home to us


I am proposing a GIANT HUG for MADDY on Sunday, July 24 at 8 pm. Hug yourself, someone else, send your love to Maddy….. with hopes that she will feel the power of our collective love and to bring her home to us all ♥
Say her name out loud.
And keep up the HOPE, LOVE, FAITH!
(Please kindly pass this on)

From Sandra’s note on her facebook page
Hug yourself, others you are with, wherever you are, say her name out lo

         Keep the Faith, Love, Hope!
      Please kindly pass this message on – the bigger the hug, the better!
                                                         Thank you all:)

Comments are in full post:
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Meagan M. (from facebook group)

Are there any new leads in this case?? Someone has got to know something or have seen her that night! I havent seen any facts in the news but i have been passing what info ive seen on here..It might be more helpful if we know more!?
I sincerely hope she comes home soon,or her friends & family get the answers they are looking for! My thoughts are with you all in this difficult time.. ♥

  • Murray Scott
  • The RCMP have have not let Eldon and Dawn know that much about their investigation other than that are still following up on all their tasks. The RCMP do not give out much information during an active investigation as not to compromise the process. They still have 14 members on the case and have two new investigators brought in to review the case to date and hopefully provide a different perspective.
  • We do know the RCMP have done a lot questioning of the people at the party, and some have been questioned multiple times. Friends and family are still searching areas, checking out leads from psychics, putting up posters, and talking to as many people as possible.
  • It appears there were around 46 people at the party Friday night, mostly 18 to 25 years old, and a few older partiers up to 40 years old. Almost all are from the Vanderhoof area. Either Madison was left to camp by herself or left with someone else, though information to date says she was left there by herself. A couple of the partiers were back at Hogsback campsite the next day cleaning up and saw her tent and truck there but did not check if she was in the tent. There was a large party of around 150 people at the Hogsback campsite the next night, and no one saw Madison.
  • We hope the RCMP are making headway with their investigation.
  • If you know anyone who attended the party please stress them to them to come forward with any information, its time to do the right thing and bring Madison home.

We need to find Madison!

Someone knows something and it’s time to come forward; imagine this girl being your friend, daughter, sister, grand-daughter, cousin, or even girlfriend… You would be devastated

. No one deserves this suffering; least of all Eldon, Dawn, Ben, Georgia and all of Madison’s extended family.If you have any information at all you should call the Vanderhoof RCMP at at 250-567-2222 or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.

If you are concerned about being anonymous mail Box 1190 Vanderhoof, B.C. VOJ-3A0 or use the TIPS PAGE form.

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