A message from Mom <3

Maddy, it’s your 23rd birthday . I’d say happy , but it’s not , because we’re not together

. Where are you my golden girl ? Please please please , whoever has Maddy , let her go , let her come home , where she belongs . 


  • My BirthdayWishes to Madison 2 from Finland. And A BIGBIG hope´s 2 find Your loving child! I still wish U a warm and nice summer. And YOU is in my prayers! Hugs many off them from me from Finland. Take care!

  • A message to Madison`s Mom

    I am taken back by the trail of <3 <3 <3
    of love for your precious daughter Maddy. Someone somewhere knows where your beautiful daughter is.
    When you gaze upon the moon as she illuminates her light. Is it also Maddy`s eyes looking up at the glow cast upon her?? Your daughter with the courageous heart that know no bounds, is fighting her way back to you. Your precious memories hold you together, unbounded by time and space. Prayers allow us to transcend all time and space, here is where you can connect with each other. The dreamtime also is unbounded by time and space, a place for you and Maddy to reconnect. A sign will be revealed to you very soon, pay close attention to your dreams…………Maddy is trying to get thru.

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