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Wednesday June 1st search summary:

More Helicopter searches, some private, and one by the RCMP with an infrared camera

. The volunteer vehicle road search continues expanding outward.  Door to Door canvasing in the Mapes and Blackwater areas continues. Searches of some gravel pits start.

Tuesday May 31st Search Summary: Offical search called off, large volunteer effort begins.

As search and rescue did not find any evidence or tracks on the trails or roads leaving Hogsback Lake campsite the official ground search was called off, but the RCMP investigation continues with a team from Vancouver leading it. Friends and family started their own search of trails and area roads. Roads were searched for tracks leading off onto spur roads or on trails. Canvassing of residence in the Hogsback area began

. A large number of individuals with trucks and 4 wheelers joined the search. A Facebook page was started, and a temporary web site made. The initial missing persons poster was emailed to friends, family and acquaintances across BC and they were posted in a wide range of communities.

K. K. > (from facebook)

Everyone please feel free to print and distribute the poster as you like. Every bit helps.

Leah (from facebook)

If there is anything I can help with from Prince George, Please let me know! I will keep posting her picture as well

. My thoughts are with the family and her friends.

RCMP: Police conduct search for 20 year old Madison Scott (from RCMP)-May 2011

RCMP File # 2011-1508

2011-05-30 10:44 PDT
Vanderhoof RCMP are seeking the public’s assistance as efforts continue in the search for 20 year old Madison Scott.

Madison left Vanderhoof on Friday May 27th to attend a party in Hogsback Lake, approximately 25 km south of Vanderhoof. She was last seen by those at the party around 3:00 a.m. Saturday morning. Her family called RCMP on Sunday afternoon to advise that she had not returned home and they had not heard from her. Madison has also not reached out to friends and her lack of communications is out of character and has those that love her very concerned.

Police did attend the site and have located her tent and truck, but search efforts to date have not managed to find Madison


Madison Scott is described as 20 year old Caucasian, 5 foot 4, 170 lbs with ginger hair. She was last seen wearing a black t-shirt and blue jean Capri pants.

The RCMP along with Search and Rescue Teams from Vanderhoof, Prince George, Burns Lake and Fort St. James RCMP will resume search efforts today of the rural area and weather conditions are good. A Swift Water Rescue team has also been called in to assist.

Police are asking anyone who may have seen Madison or may know of her whereabouts to contact Vanderhoof RCMP immediately at (250) 567-2222.

Released by

Senior Media Relations Officer
“E” Div Strategic Communications
5255 Heather Street, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1K6
Office: 604-264-2929
Fax: 604-264-3200

Madison Scott is missing

Madison attended a party on  Friday night May 27th at Hogsback Lake

. The area is a former Forestry campsite, which also has a parking lot and boat launch area. There was two parties that night, one Madison was at, and the other a underage party. Madison was last seen by those at the party around 3:00 a.m. Saturday. There was another larger party the next night on Saturday May 28th at Hogsback Lake. RCMP would like to speak to anyone who may have attended either party, was camping in the area or was in the area over the weekend for recreational purposes.

Madison’s parents were worried about her on Saturday, and when she could not be contacted on Sunday the police were called.

Vanderhoof RCMP along with Search and Rescue Teams from Vanderhoof, Prince George, Burns Lake and Fort St. James conducted extensive air, water and ground searches on Sunday and all day Monday. Upwards of 150 volunteers searched, including horseback patrols, of the shorelines, walking and ATV trails and the logging roads in the area. Water areas were also explored with boats and side scanning sonar. Despite search efforts of the area, Madison is still missing.

Madison Scott is described as 20 year old Caucasian, 5 foot 4, 170 lbs with ginger hair. She was last seen wearing a black t-shirt and blue jean Capri pants.

RCMP news release.

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